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Where do you want to install the app?
Install the app in a Salesforce production / sandbox - FREE for 14 days
Version: 12/Feb/2025
Install ZaapIT's Chrome add-on
Step#1 of 2: Install the add-on. Main benefits: backup & restore data, fast navigation and app-related notificationsIf you decide to proceed directly to step #2, an older installer will be used, accompanied by a warning message. You can safely ignore this warning
Chrome add-on
Install in a Production Environment
Step#2 of 2: Install where you or your users work, including developer orgs.Install in Production
To install the app using SSO, please do step#1 or alternatively use the following relative URL and paste it into your Salesforce production browser tab:
Need Help?
Use the following information to contact us
Phone Numbers
US: +1-386-868-3525
UK: +44-203-868-3411
IL: +972-9-765-0386
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